Contact-rich robotic systems, such as legged robots and manipulators, are often represented as hybrid systems. However, the stability analysis and region-of-attraction computation for these systems is often challenging because of the discontinuous state changes upon contact (also referred to as state resets). In this work, we cast the computation of region-ofattraction as a Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) reachability problem. This enables us to leverage HJ reachability tools that are compatible with general nonlinear system dynamics, and can formally deal with state and input constraints as well as bounded disturbances. Our main contribution is the generalization of HJ reachability framework to account for the discontinuous state changes originating from state resets, which has remained a challenge until now. We apply our approach for computing region-of-attractions for several underactuated walking robots and demonstrate that the proposed approach can (a) recover a bigger region-of-attraction than state-of-the-art approaches, (b) handle state resets, nonlinear dynamics, external disturbances, and input constraints, and (c) also provides a stabilizing controller for the system that can leverage the state resets for enhancing system stability.
Many robotic systems are complicated by their Hybrid System nature due to contacts. In this work, we are interested in attaining stable walking behaviors for legged robots from various configurations. In doing so, it is desirable that the robot leverages contacts with the ground for enhancing its stability.
We aim to achieve this by solving an optimal control problem for the hybrid system models that describe the walking motion of legged robots. The main challenge is that constructive methods for solving this based on the Dynamic Programming are well established for continuous systems, however, are scarcely developed for contact-rich systems.
First, stabilizing the walking motion is translated into a reachability problem where the target set is the walking gait.
Then, to solve this reachability problem, existing Dynamic Programming reachability frameworks are extended to hybrid systems with discontinuous reset maps by incorporating the Value Remapping principle in the algorithm. The main idea of the value remapping is that the value function at a pre-reset state (those on the switching surface) is same as the value function at the post-reset state. This value remapping is the bellman principle of optimality with respect to the discrete transition of the hybrid dynamics. Finally, the value remapping does not increase the computational complexity to the existing algorithm.
The rimless wheel is a popular model of a passivedynamic walker. One of the reasons for its popularity is that RoA can be computed analytically for the rimless wheel. Using the SOS programming, we are able to recover only a subset of the RoA. Our approach is able to recover the entire RoA of the system.
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We introduce state resets to a well-known Dubins car system which makes the car “teleport”. The key principles of our method are well exposed in its design and results. Whenever the car hits the x-axis, it will reset to the other side of the state space. The reference periodic orbit is a semicircular trajectory centered at the origin rotating in the counter-clockwise direction. The reset map has the contraction property, so it will be desirable to exploit this reset or "teleport" to reach the target faster.
We can first compute the Regions of Attraction (RoA) of the orbit, by computing the reachability value function backward in time based on our numerical algorithm.
Then, for an initial state that is included in the computed RoA, when we evaluate the optimal controller resulting from the computed value function, the trajectory is able to reach the orbit in the most time-optimal way.
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In contrast, a baseline controller designed based on feedback linearization takes significantly longer time to reach the orbit, since it does not have the knowledge of how to utilize the teleport.
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We next consider a compass-gait walker, which consists of two links with an actuated joint between them. We consider a hybrid model of walking, with alternating phases of a continuous-time singlesupport phase followed by an instantaneous inelastic impact of the swing leg with the ground. The switching surface is defined as the set of states where the swing foot strikes the ground with a negative velocity.
The target hybrid limit cycle we wish to stabilize to is designed as a reference walking gait, which is tracked by a baseline controller designed based on feedback linearization and Control Lyapunov Function-based Quardartic Program (CLF-QP).
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Now let’s say someone pushed the robot hard so it shifted to this new initial state that is quite far from the usual walking motion. On the perturbed initial state, The robot has a big momentum to the backward direction. If we apply the same baseline controller from this state, it fails to stabilize to the walking gait.
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If we apply the optimal controller computed from our method to the same initial state, the robot is able to successfully stabilize back to the walking gait. Notice that it steps on the ground first, and exploit the ground impact to absorb the adverse momentum to stabilize the robot more easily.
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Finally, we can also visualize the Region of Attractions verified from our method. First, we apply our method to the closed loop dynamics of the baseline controller. Although it is designed to be locally stabilizing, the verified RoA comprises only a small neighborhood of the reference gait. By contrast, exploiting the full control capacity limited by the torque saturation and the reset map, we are able to verify that the actual stabilizable region is much bigger than what can be achieved by the CLF-QP controller. Finally, we can also introduce disturbance to the robot’s dynamics: an unmodeled repulsive or stiction torque applied to the joint between the leg. The RoA computed under the robust optimal control setting is visualized next. Since now we only verify states that are robustly stabilizable to the gait, the resulting RoA is smaller than the non-robust RoA. However, it still shows that by applying the robust optimal controller, it is able to robustly stabilize a larger set of states than the CLF-QP.
AcknowledgementsThis webpage template was borrowed from some colorful folks. |